The second episode was partly inspired by Weird Al's
Your Horoscope for Today. During
one part, the advice "All your friends are laughing behind your back... KILL THEM." is played, and I thought
it was hilarious.
It was also partly inspired by an animation I really enjoyed, Little Susie Experiments #7
from the now defunct KillFrog website.. In the animation, a possesed stuffed animal-thing screams out
"SOOOOZIEEEEEE... DIIIIIIIIE!", which I just couldn't get enough of. Also, the evil little piggies chant
something backwards, and I thought I'd include that in my animation.
So I recorded a bunch of lines and set some of the backwards. I also include the forward-translations so
people could hear what the actual subliminal messages I was apparently trying to convey to them were. I
actually received an email from a concerned mother over the Weird Al one.