Wednesday, April 2nd, 2003 #1080
The Third Party Start of the Party
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This comic was originally intended to just be a fake news report leading into the party storyline interviews, but somehow it became way more political than I usually intend the comic to be.

At the time, the US was just starting the war in Iraq, and the Bush administration had attempted to link Sadam Hussein with Osama bin Laden in order to justify the war, even though the evidence was questionable and would later turn out to be completely false. I was just trying to mock how some people were looking for any excuse to go to war.

In the third frame, I was commenting on the legality of detaining suspected terrorists, US citizen or otherwise, and how if anyone spoke out against it, some people would label them terrorists as well. Also, one presumes this wasn't my first fictional arrest after my troubles in Canada.

And the last frame was me making fun of Bush administration officials who liked to make grand declarations that had no effect on anything, such as threatening to deport someone who doesn't live in the US in the first place. "Mission Accomplished" anyone?
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