Monday, February 13th, 2006 #2128
The First Annual Robot Tournament Shut Yo Mouth!
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I suppose, given that this is fated time travel, Dr. Wily already know how this would turn out, so he didn't really have to worry that much about whether or not Bob would be able to kill him. I mean, Bob ends up telling the Dr. Wily of the past that his future self would send Bob back in time, so he knew it would happen, and given that Bob is looking to exact revenge on the Dr. Wily of the future is a pretty good indication that Bob wouldn't have a chance to hurt him before he got sent back in time... but with a situation that convoluted, can you really be sure everything will work out the way you think?

By the way, I'm pretty sure Bob is either saying "Cheeseburger" or "Christfucker" in the last panel. I don't recall which one I went with.
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