Thursday, April 1st, 2004 #1445
Helmeted Attack The Helmeted End
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For whatever reason, I had the idea that I'd end the Helmeted Attack storyline and start the Anniversary Week comic with a big animated battle. After all the hype surrounding the Helmeted Author, it seemed the only way to properly resolve it.

Unfortunately, I just didn't have enough time to really do it properly, so it ended up being a little more unfinished than I would have preferred. I knew I wouldn't have enough time to lip sync it, so I threw in a bit during the opening narration about it and how it was similar to something Chick Bot had done in her comic. That lead to the joke about paying her for copyright infringement.

In the end, I was a little disappointed that I didn't have more time to make the actual battle more epic, maybe actually find a way to have those giant glowy things fight each other, but I suppose given the comic's normal level of quality, this turned out about as good as could be expected.
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