Tuesday, October 19th, 2004 #1646
The Fifth Megaman Game Respawn Point
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And here's the big pay-off. While it's not like the comics leading up to this joke weren't funny or clever, it's just that this was the end goal.

As I've mentioned before, when writing the comic, I'd often try to come up with really funny jokes, and then figure out how to connect them. In this case, while thinking about what to do with the Fire Men, this idea popped into my head, and I had to figure out how to get here.

I knew in order to do a respawning joke, they'd have to be teleporting in one at a time, which meant that's the real reason the teleporter was broken. And I couldn't just jump right to this point, so I had to have several comics set up this situation.

And in the end, I think it was worth it. At least for the FPS gamers in the audience.
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