Monday, June 10th, 2002 #784
The Third Megaman Game Wrong Game
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This comic makes even less sense if that's actually Dark Man, since he'd have even less reason to know about Kalinka ahead of time than the real Proto Man. Oh well.

So the site redesign went up, and it was very big and very bubbly and very blue.

Naturally, everyone hated it. With any site redesign, you're going to get people that don't like it. You've changed things from the way they were used to it, and it makes them uncomfortable.

Sometimes people are happy with change, but generally only if the change you made was a correction or an improvement to a feature that people were dissatisfied with in the first place. When you change something that was working perfectly fine and people may not understand why it was done, it can piss them off.

And lots of people were upset about the new design, since it was, well, very different from what they were used to.

I don't believe it lasted very long, since even I found that I didn't care for it very much.
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