In the first frame, you can see a cameo by Ridaos, from Universal Voyage. Also, the drunk monkey refers back to a previous instance in which I was describing how well I can draw.
In the second frame, it's true, there is a depressingly lack of good Shadow Man sprites, making it very difficult to include him in any signficant way. I mean, there are plenty of 8-bit sprites, but I don't much care to use those if I can avoid it. His 16-bit sprites all come from the Power Battles/Fighters games, and they make him surprisingly tall. So, yeah, not really any good sprites to work from. Besides, he'd definitely lose some appeal if I had used him more.
The third frame highlights exactly what I'm talking about. When you've got sprites in which Shadow Man is supposed to be doing some sort of mystical gesture, how do to you work that into a storyline?
In the last two frames, the discussion is with Alternate Mega Man and Bass about their recent adventures with Bob, which they're supposed to have forgotten. Unfortunately, I kinda screwed that up by having them remember who Metool D2 is, but I chalk that up to the mysterious way memory loss supposedly works.