Sunday, August 14th, 2005 #1945
The Mind of X, Part 1 CPU Time
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Around this time, Pentium was getting a lot of flack on the internet for their Celeron processors and how they were, basically, crap. At least that was my experience. The internet was fawning over AMD's processors, so this seemed appropriate.

I particularly remember an issue in which Intel was criticized for taking Pentium III chips and simply disabling part of the chip and selling it for a lower cost as a lower end chip. It didn't make much sense, since why would you take something perfectly good and make it worse, only to sell it for less. Why not just lower the price of the original chip? But I guess it has to do with manufacturing costs and things like that, which I guess explains why I'm not a businessman.

I might be wrong, but I think Intel's image has recovered since then.
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