Monday, July 3rd, 2000 #94
The Attack of the Yellow Demon Giant Monsters Always Fall for That
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Here we have the introduction of what I refer to as the "Yoink" joke. You know the one. Used quite often in cartoons, one character points behind another character's back at some imaginary threat, only to attempt escape while the second character is distracted.

Well, much like the classic cartoons, I use this joke quite a bit, much like the "Wily behind your back" jokes and my other running gags. And like those others, I do attempt to give each iteration of the gag a slight variation to maintain some freshness, even if they all usually involve a "Yoink".

Graphically, I don't much care for that pointing sprite. I tried various different pointing sprite designs before finally settling on one that I liked, which is what is used exclusively near the end of the comic. But until then, I simply tried to avoid having my characters point at all, just to avoid having to use a crappy pointing sprite, like in this comic. But at least the Yellow Demon's eye moves, right? That's pretty neat, right? Right?
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