Thursday, July 27th, 2000 #118
The White Space The End of the Yellow Demon
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For the record, "Splooge" is an awesome sound effect, even if it might have some inappropriate overtones. Also, I'm rather fond of the word "onomatopoeia" too.

Mega Man and Proto Man's lines from the last panel are stolen almost directly from a joke in Sluggy Freelance. In one of its earliest storylines, when the characters Riff and Torg are trapped in their first alternate dimension and meet Aylee, the Alien-esque maneating alien monster, they believe they've killed her but aren't sure. They both know that the person selected to check and see if the alien is actually dead is almost certainly going to be killed. So, rather than getting close enough to kick it to see if it's dead, they throw a shoe at it.

One of my favorite parts of that storyline is a few comics later, when you see Aylee chasing them with a shoe in her claw/hand.
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