Sometimes readers wonder if maybe Mega Man's not really as stupid as he appears. In this case, it might almost appear as though Mega Man planned to stand on that unstable cliff edge, knowing the Yellow Demon would try to land on him and crush him, then moved out of the way at the last minute, sending the Yellow Demon to his doom. Or maybe it was all just an amazing coincidence. With Mega Man, how can you ever be sure?
You know, I'm actually quite proud of some of the sprite editing in this comic. It was still fairly early in the comic's history, but this comic has some pretty good sprite editing. First there's the darkening of Mega Man in the first two panels, which would be a simple matter in Photoshop, but a bit of a challenge with Photo Editor.
But I think I'm more proud of the editing on the Yellow Demon in the last panel. That may be the first time I'd taken and spliced together two separate sprites to form the sprite I wanted. In this case, I took the legs off one sprite and connected them to the upper body from another sprite. And then I even went so far as to elongate the eye, to give the Demon a more surprised look. Oh sure, this is child's play for an experience spriter, but at the time, it was ground-breaking!