I think if I were to tally up all of the emails I received about individual comics, this one would have to top the list. Or, at least, what I've said about this comic.
You see, I usually credit the Author's line in the second panel to the cult-horror-comedy classic, Army of Darkness, since that's where I encountered it. But as the plethora of emails all point out, the line originally comes from The Day the Earth Stood Still, where it's used to control the robot Klaatu.
But if you haven't seen The Day the Earth Stood Still and didn't know that the line in Army of Darkness was a reference to the earlier film, where does the allusion really lie? With the original source or the second-hand source? Further, the idea of using the words as part of a magic spell, especially to resurrect the dead, comes from the Sam Raimi film. At the very least, I suppose it's a second-hand allusion.
As far as the spelling, I went with the line from The Lost Vikings II, where a witch unsuccessfully tries to use variations of the spell to send the vikings home.