Sunday, April 9th, 2000 | #9 |
The Beginning of the Story | Proto Man Awakens |
While this was not the first comic I made for this storyline, it was one of the first jokes I came up with for it. I think it's one of the first things many people think when they first see Dr. Light and Dr. Wily. While I can imagine the Japanese game designers might want people to associate the kind Dr. Light with Santa Claus, I can't really figure out why they'd make the Albert Einstein look-alike the evil one. Maybe they associate Einstein with the atomic bomb and haven't forgiven him for the events that ended World War II. Then again, maybe it's just a huge coincidence. By the way, someone emailed me to let me know that instead of Dr. Light being modeled after Santa Claus, it's entirely possible he was modeled after Thomas Edison, inventor of the light bulb. Seems reasonable to me. The original version of this comic can be found here. I have no idea why I originally put a wall in the background. Maybe it was supposed to be some sort of cubicle. |
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