Saturday, August 11th, 2001 #484
The Next Generation Forbidden Foreknowledge
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There's a better shot of that half-finished X. You can see his legs and part of his brain, and then just some sticks that form his body. I think it works pretty well for a half-finished X sprite. And he's still in that same pose later, when we see his finished body.

At the time I made this comic, I said X and Zero were from a time period after X3 but before X4, since they were still 16-bit. I'd then later contradicted myself by showing the future with 32-bit sprites. Of course, that was because by that point in the comic I had decided that the different time periods would be distinguished by differences in bittage, so the future had to be 32-bit. I suppose one could argue that they're from a time period before X4 but after the series made the switch to 32-bit.

Anyway, the reason I chose that particular time period in the future, just before X4, was because it was during that game when it was made rather abundantly clear that Zero was built by Dr. Wily, and I didn't want X or Zero to know about that yet.

Or, at least, they weren't supposed to.
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