Saturday, July 26th, 2003 #1195
The Fourth Megaman Game The Final Resolution
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I had to answer the question of Eddie's size immediately, since I knew some readers would be confused. But I just loved the idea of a giant-sized Eddie, an example of Soviet construction to make things bigger than anything else, even if it's totally ridiculous.

Additionally, I wanted to wrap up the whole storyline by reminding readers of Stalin's brain and how the whole thing started. Also, the idea of Bass running around with Stalin's brain on his head is hilarious, but I knew I wouldn't be able to do it justice in sprite form, so I just left it up to the reader's imagination.

And as I've said before, while I knew the loss of Stalin's brain isn't what really brought about the downfall of the Soviet Union, it does seem awfully convenient timing, doesn't it?
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