Sunday, March 18th, 2001 #338
Tales From a Parallel Universe 2 The Attack of Pikachu!
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Once the storyline started to wrap up, I realized I needed some reason for Bob to leave without killing everyone, or at the very least attempting to kill everyone. So I tried to think of the most obscure, random thing I possibly could, and that thing turned out to be Pikachu. I mean, why not? And so, for lack of a better idea, Bob become absolutely terrified of Pok�mon.

In terms of his character, perhaps it has something to do with his childhood. Maybe he was traumatized by Pok�mon-esque creatures as an infant and hasn't gotten over it yet. It's probably similar to how much clowns terrify little kids, and yet parents still subject their kids to that sort of thing. Well, whatever the cause, I bet it's the sort of thing that could lead a person to become a crazed supervillain later in life.

I like how Bob's face pails when he sees Pikachu, and how his scream carries over into the next comic.
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