Mynd makes his fatal mistake right here. In the spirit of the Evil Overlord List, you should never let an enemy go because you've decided he's not worth killing. They're ALWAYS worth killing. You should always take the time to kill your enemies, no matter how weak they are, because if you don't, they'll eventually come back stronger than before, and then you're screwed. Better get rid of them while you still can.
Of course, it was inevitable that Mynd would screw up. If he were to actually follow the Evil Overlord's list with devotion, he would've killed Bob while he was still unconscious and he would kill George right now, and then no one would be able to stop him, and the comic would be over. So I had to have him screw up somewhere.
Though, it would be interesting to read a story in which the evil overlord doesn't screw up.

This would be prophetic if I hadn't written it.
I think, at some point, I had actually considered leaving the characters dead and just doing the game parodies, since they always seemed to be the most popular storylines. Personally, I'm glad I didn't, since I think there's some pretty good materials in the non-parody storylines.