Here we have the first introduction of the Alternates. When I first came up with the idea for Bob entering a parallel dimension, the obvious location was a universe in which the personalities of all the main characters were reversed. So if Mega Man and Bass are super stupid in the regular universe, they must be super smart in this one. Whenever I think of an "alternate" universe, this is the kind I think of first, with other possibilities occurring to me later.
And in case you're wondering, I really had no idea what kind of a role these characters would play in the comic later. Having super-intelligent (and apparently British) versions of Mega Man and Bass just seemed like good joke fodder. Though, with a continuing storyline-type comic like Bob and George, it's almost impossible to know where anything is going to lead when first introduced.
Also, I'd just like to point out that without the ability to flesh out character ideas and personalities, which can really only be done in a storyline-type comic, it's almost impossible to have alternate versions of characters, since the readers would have no way of recognizing any personality differences in the first place.
Oh, and in case anyone was wondering, yes, that's the same flip Bob did for Proto Man. He must really like doing flips.