Friday, December 15th, 2000 #245
The Introduction of Bob Bob's Just a Show-Off
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That's right, Bob is so cool that rather than just stand up, he does a stationary back flip from a prone position. I felt that it was imperative to show just how cool Bob is so that you could really begin to appreciate just how cool he is. He's so cool, Chill Penguin shivers when he looks at Bob. Bob is so cool, other Mary Sue's weep at the mere mention of his name, for they know there's no way they could possibly be as cool as... well, you get the idea.

Though, another way to look at it is that there are no good sprites of Proto Man standing up, so the only way I could figure out how to move Bob from a prone position to standing was to have him do a back-flip. Not that it makes him any less cool.

The events in this comic and a couple others were combined and animated for the animated special during the first anniversary week.
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